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T&G Lockdown Quiz Header.jpg

Zoom Meeting ID: 892 2477 1440

Quiz Room Opens at 7:30pm

Please donate £2 per player to Kings College Hospital Charity

Play as Individuals, Households or Remote Teams

Maximum 6 people per team

All T&G members family & friends welcome


Please come up with a team name before the quiz and send to to Robin at or by WhatsApp or text if you have their details.


Every player should make on online donation (suggested £2 minimum) to King’s College Hospital Charity


If you already have a Quiz Password you are all set. Click this link at 7:30 on23rd March

If you need a password please contact us as above.


When you get into the room you need to change your screen name to your team name. You can do this in the SETTINGS in Zoom, or if you are already in the quiz room you can click on the three dot icon on your display image and then RENAME to type in your Team Name.


For the most part we need to ask you to Mute your mic during the quiz (you probably, know the drill by now)


Have a pen and paper ready to write down your answers


You will be asked to score your own answers so please, no cheating INCLUDING GOOGLING







If you are playing as an individual change your display name to your team name.


If you are playing as a household please use one computer/device to access the quiz and change your display name to your team name


If you are playing as a remote team there is a little more work for you to do.

  • You need to work out how you are going to communicate between your team members. This could be done via a group WhatsApp call, a group Facetime or text. There are probably other options and we're sure you will work it out.

  • Each remote members of the team can access the quiz individually to hear the questions and then discuss the answer via your own communication method.

  • If playing as a remote team please change your screen name as above, typing in your team name, then your first name in brackets.

  • Please have a team captain who is responsible for giving us your scores.

Tuesday 23rd March 2021 7:30 pm

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